At first I thought it was referencing OpenGL! Haha! I almost panicked then because I'm altering it slightly to work on jailbroken iPod Touch/iPhone and the hardware for those devices has absolutely no support for OpenGL (that I know of). Then I realised that it said "opencl.h" and not "opengl.h" and then calmed down a bit.
I'm currently researching and hope to have it implemented soon.
That's great news! I know you have the skills to be able to do this, I never could :p.
So, if OpenCL were implemented would we see a HUGE improvement or just a few more fps here and there?
If used to calculate the physics, yes depending on how good your your GPU is (assuming that's what the OpenCL will be written optimized to use) possibly a 50 times speedup, if coded for using a few CPU cores then a few times speedup. The best part is most of the game uses single precision floats or integers which GPU's do VERY well with compared to doubles.
Using a gpu instead of cpu can get you around 4000 times more fps if you use a nvidia phyx card, I wont notice a difference though I have no lag what so ever