I think veryvmuch thatwe need two types of PHOT.
Natural PHOT (NPHT)
Temperature must be smaller, 22 Celsius.
Plant grows in contact with them.
Articifial PHOT (APHT)
Also smaller temperature. Produces by white element called LAMP that is with same destructivity as BRCK. Plant do not grows in contact with them.
This also allows some new elements:
Alexandrite (ALEX)
Indestructible at the same point as diamond,but with one difference:when exposed to NPHT,it will become green,when exposed to APHT,it will become pink
Star (STAR)
Hot and shinks. APHT destroys its shine,but NPHT do not.
(Note:Like Star Wars Rule should be renamed,for an example to LSWR or STAW)
What do you think?Please comment!
irl there arent 2 types of phot. alexandrite does what it does because of the presence of uv light. i dont see any reason for man made light to put out the sun, and if you're talking about light pollution, its a local effect in the atmosphere, the actual stars are trillions of miles away and are unharmed. also lamp would literally be exactly the same as powered breakable clone with ctype phot.