Is there User used to be Moderator

  • 93BigBoom
    1st Oct 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    So here we are. It's been almost 11 years ago (January 2009?) since skylark created it's own original powder toy.

    And 9 years ago (June 2010) when simon finally recreated powder toy after skylark shutted down in early 2010.

    Time has changed Fast with the internet.

    So the question is? Is there any user used to be an moderator back then after simon took over? :I


    I know this is at general at Discussions

  • Lockheedmartin
    1st Oct 2019 Moderator 0 Permalink
    @93BigBoom (View Post)
    Simon didn't recreate the game, rather the servers. Skylark licensed the game originally under GPLv2, so Simon was able to simply ask for the game's source code. There have been past users who were moderators and later we removed their status due to inactivity. Namely HK5 and AntB
    Edited once by Lockheedmartin. Last: 1st Oct 2019
  • 93BigBoom
    1st Oct 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I see lockheedmartin. HK5 and AntB used to be moderator back then. Thread might be locked since this might be resloved.

Locked by Lockheedmartin: Requested and resolved