Sweet destruction

  • MachineMan
    24th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    When some people are angry, they calm down by surrounding themselves with nature.  But some people hate nature.  So I created a save for nature-haters to blow of steam.  It's a planet made of stone (decoed to look like plant-covered land) and saltwater (for oceans.)  When you press play, the 2 pixels of CONV (pretend that they're mining stations) are supposed to turn all the stone into dust and all the saltwater into oil.  But they only manage to partially fulfill that purpose.  Can anyone please take a look at the save and see what's up?

  • Supercrafter
    24th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink


    @MachineMan (View Post)

     I'm knowing dust doesn't penetrate stne, eventually it digs all the way, blocking the conv with dust, same as the ocean portion 

  • MachineMan
    24th Sep 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Supercrafter (View Post)

     The idea was for the "mining stations" to dig in every direction, as dust is lighter than stone and oil is lighter than water types.  I tested on a planet entirely of stone and a planet made entirely of water (which, like saltwater, is also heavier than oil.)  In both situations, they passed with flying colors.  But here, they don't.  Anyone got any ideas?


    EDIT:  sorry, I forgot to say please.

    Edited 2 times by MachineMan. Last: 28th Sep 2019
  • MachineMan
    15th Oct 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry if this is necro, but I still need help repairing this save.  Does anyone have an suggestions, please?