I would really like to see a release on the windows store!
it could expand the playerbase to people who may be security concious or have windows 10 S (it cant run .exe files)
It could also be pre-installed instead of having to press CTRL+I
However, Steam is not usable on devices with windows 10 s or S mode on them.
Windows 10 S devices cannot run .exe files or third party apps, and can only run Windows store apps.
Steam isn't availible on there, and according to Techquickie, it probably wont be anytime soon.
Even on full featured windows 10 devices, every time you try to run it it still whines about it being a "virus" even though I have installed it multiple times
I don't think the popularity won't be like, 1000000 because it is a falling sand game, but good luck!