A small suggestion

  • Supercrafter
    19th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    It's not too inportant, but could you add an indication of how many warnings and what types of warnings that the profile has?? 

  • NF
    19th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Supercrafter (View Post)

     I think the moderators can see this and only them. It's best they know.

  • Sylvi
    19th Aug 2019 Moderator 0 Permalink
    We have some ability to see post infractions, save deletions, and ban records. Though even the first two aren't really recorded in a direct manner because we've used the 'disable publishing' feature and hiding posts. There's also a freestanding notes area which is used much more extensively.

    The last part is important - since warnings aren't exactly tallied into some number which only has a general meaning. Warnings have context that we take into consideration, which is why we use the notes feature often. Typically we keep any other things about users in the notes - past incidents, things to look out, linked accounts or known alts, etc.

    This is where I give an answer - it's simply not possible to know how many and which type of warnings because of the account notes. We don't categorize and standardize warnings into numbers and type. Sometimes we don't even mark the notes and the only record is just "floating" when we ask other staff (usually through private IRC channels). I tried to standardize the infractions and stuff with the new rules structuring, but even then it's rather difficult.
    Edited 2 times by Lockheedmartin. Last: 19th Aug 2019
  • Supercrafter
    20th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lockheedmartin (View Post)

     OH, but I want to ask, how can I link, and how do I make a sticky note, if I even can make one?? 

  • Sylvi
    20th Aug 2019 Moderator 0 Permalink
    @Supercrafter (View Post)
    You can't. As I said, it's only for moderators.
  • Supercrafter
    20th Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Welp, that was a dumb post????????

  • Supercrafter
    23rd Aug 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Thanks for the info, I don't think I will need this thread anymore, could you lock it? 

    Edited once by Supercrafter. Last: 23rd Aug 2019
Locked by Mrprocom: Lock requested