Layering helper (my version)

  • archived_account
    25th Jun 2019 Member 1 Permalink



    I have made an layering helper (as an element).


    How to use it:

    1. find the "LAY" element in "tools' category
    2. Put it in any free place.
    3. At first input screen, enter number of layers you want (it would be above 0 and less than 6).
    4. At next screens type element's properties like this:  %TYPE% %CTYPE% %LIFE% %TMP% %TMP2% (you can skip some if not need)

    How to make subframe metl sparker: Put 1 particle of metl. Put "LAY" next to it. At first screen, type "2", at second screen, type "conv metl 0 15", at second screen, type "conv sprk 0 14". Done.


    Example gif:

    Example of work