
  • Fusionftw
    27th May 2019 Member 3 Permalink

    Moisture Layer/Humidity - New Grid



    • There would be a new display activated by Shift+2.

    • It would be an intensity display like heat display, but with tan and blue.

    • The more humidity in an area, the bluer it shows on the display, and vice versa.

    • This layer could be enabled/disabled by a new button in the top right toolbar with the letter “H”.



    • If there is high humidity in an area, fires are harder to burn.

    • If there is also high humidity, boiling water produces more WTRV.

    • If there is high humidity, heat transfers to the air faster.

    • If there is low humidity, fires burn better.

    • If there is low humidity, boiling water produces less WTRV.

    • If there is low humidity, heat transfers to the air slower.



    • More realistic environments

  • coryman
    28th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Could definitely be interesting! How would you change humidity though? Would there be tools for it (like there are for air pressure), or would it be raised/lowered by reactions? I could see a very dry SPNG absorbing a bit of humidity from the air if it were high enough, or warm/boiling WATR increasing it

  • phox
    29th May 2019 Member 1 Permalink

    maybe high humidity could condense into water if air temp and humidity levels are too different?

  • _Theo
    30th May 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    This could be really nice, what would the limits be though? Would max humidity be 100% 50%? Would it be like a scale from 0-100 where the default humidity is 50?


    Overall though, it's nice and I hope to see this in an update soon.

  • Fusionftw
    31st May 2019 Member 2 Permalink



    The humidity level can be seen in the debug HUD, and it will have a range of 0% to 100%.


    The humidity can be changed by tools that could increase/decrease it (HUM+, HUM-), or by adding WTRV, FOG, or any type of water to an area.


    Dry SPNG or GEL can decrease humidity (it will absorb water as a result), or very cold surfaces can cause humidity to precipitate into WATR (it will also decrease humidity).


    Display colors: 0% humidity (efe0aa), 100% humidity (3366ff)


    The default humidity is 25%.

    Edited 3 times by Fusionftw. Last: 31st May 2019
  • Pangolin
    11th Jan 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    If this is added, it might break some saves, so it should be toggleable like ambient heat and newtonian gravity