Ok, what I'm saying is that: Is there any wall or elements that never decrease in temperature and always stayed above temperature? I'm trying to make a geothermal power plant and I'm adding magma as an example of a source, but when the water enters and turns into water vapor, the solid separating the water and the lava becomes colder because of the temp of the water and the lava turns into stone. I need a solid that whatever temperature it goes to it stays at and never gets cold! Heat has to pass through this element as conduction so that the water transforms into steam, and this solid needs to sustain the temperature of the magma so that it stays magma! I need any answers quick because I want to publish that geothermal power plant!
DreamingWarlord made a script that has an element known as OHOT, which stands for "only hot element." It never decreases in temperature. Not even the console can cool it down. The trouble is, it's script and people who don't have said script can't use the a save with OHOT.
@MachineMan, I don't think I will be able to use OHOT because this is going to be a public save everyone will see
Well; unfortunately, OHOT is the only element in tpt that can't be cooled down. The closet thing to OHOT is game of life elements in "oscillator" mode, but you need many of those to create consistent heat. In case you don't know how to make "oscillating life," just pause, draw a line of any GOL element 3 pixels long, then unpause.
If you want to stick to vanilla elements, place DMND, HSWC, FILT and TSNS in a row, set the tmp of both the TSNS and the HSWC to 1, then the life of HSWC to 10. Now set the temperature of DMND with the HEAT/COOL tool or by just changing its temp. When you're satisfied with the temperature, delete it and the TSNS. The remaining HSWC+FILT thing can be copied around and never loses its temperature setting. If you don't want to do the TSNS dance, it's also possible to directly set the ctype of the FILT to [268435456 + temperature in kelvins] (that's 0x10000000 btw), and the HSWC will change its own temperature right away.
What are "vanilla" elements?
@LBPHacker and @MachineMan, these suggestions look nice, but I already published my geothermal power plant, you should go check it out! Just go to my user:akang, then it pops up as my first level (on my votes).
OHOT must be updated, for now it only gets hotter if it touches a hotter element.