THESE ELEMENT SUGGESTIONS ARE ALL SOLID 1. BTY2 (Battery 2) this is a realistic battery that holds energy in the form of tmp. This energy to tmp ratio is 1:1 and it has a naturally spawning tmp of 100 and a tmp2 of 1. It's change in tmp also changes it's color like a wifi. Its tmp distribution would work like vibr and it can conduct to:PWDL(Default), PSCN, INWR. It can accept energy from nscn and PWDL (tmp2 set 10-15).
Its tmp2 change from 1-1 <n turns it on or off, like a switch and a PWDL conduct at a tmp2 more than 15 and greater than 99would conduct a tmp2 gaining charge, a It can also be a better set timer by connecting it to a NOT gate which would then set ON when it turns off. It can also store energy for many vibr reactors as they output energy pulses and not continous energy streams.
Color: dark sickly yellow like battery but a lil greener
Same reactions with heat and pressure as battery.
This element would also add a new and major breakthrough to computer tech and otherstuff like it.
hdm(heat direction mode): this is a setting or view mode. Basically, when turning it on and zooming in you can see arrows of heat which would allow you to know where heat comes from and it would help a lot when making temp sensitive stuff.
PWDL ( Powered electric line) has tmp dependent channels and its basically wifi+inwr. It conducts only to its own channel and each channel is a 100 tmp so 101-201 202-302 and so on. It conducts to bty2 if tmp2 is set to 10-15 and anything its ctype that can conduct is set to.
A tmp2 of 10 to 11 would increase the conducted materials tmp2 by 1 for every energy and 12 to 13 decreases,14 to 15 just conducts to bty2.
Conducts from bty2 and btry and inwr, it cannot affect its own tmp2.
Color: gray, changes with tmp.
Can melt to lava at 1500 calvin and shatters into brmt at 35 pressure. Emp does work on it.
This idea allows for way more compactComputers and wiring, saving space.