Tritium is a highly radioactive hydrogen isotope that is a important substance in nuclear weapons, if combined with deuterium it will cause a huge explosion, if TRTN combined with hydrogen, a large radioluminescent explosion, but if TRTN is fused with oxygen, it will create Tritiated-Water (TRWT), whIle TRTN is decaying and is con sealed,it will glow a green neon color, a beta light. tritium fuses best with deuterium and creates a Tritium-Deuterium fusion, this causes an amplification in explosion power (at least like what, 3x more?). If TRTN is overexposed to other radioactive substances for too long, it decays into helium-3 (HLM3) making TRTN no longer available for fusion or detonation. Adding this to your nukes or bombs with deuterium will majorly increase the yielding of the bomb
For the TRWT, combustion with oxygen would make more sense than fusion with it; fusion makes new elements and isn't a strictly chemical reaction. It's a really good idea, especially if TRWT decayed into WATR and 2 NEUT. Adding in a new helium seems a bit pointless though, because NBLE already models helium and the rest of the noble gases.
Also the deuterium in TPT is deuterium oxide, not the isotope of hydrogen. Tritium gas doesn't react with deuterium oxide