Gaseous Nitrogen

  • ubuntupokemoninc
    25th Feb 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    This has probably been suggested before. But it would be kinda of nice if ln2 did boil into a gas, a lot of times rapid expansion for liquid nitrogen boiling an expending is used to nucliate a solvent. I would use liquid oxygen, but it needs to be inert,not explosive and all. I am sure there is a reason its not included that I am un aware of. So I would understand if this most likely gets rejected... Anyways.. thanks for your time.

  • coryman
    26th Feb 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    First two things that come to mind:
    -it would be inert, which means it would be basically useless apart from this
    -it would break a lot of saves which use LN2 as coolant, and don't have any way to remove the gas that would appear
    There are some mods that have this as a feature, so you could look for those if you're desparate, but unfortunately that's probably the best you'll get

  • ubuntupokemoninc
    26th Feb 2019 Member 1 Permalink

    true true... maybe.. a way to directly spawn liquid refrigerant then, would have the same use.