Something that could be useful.

  • zqasd
    25th Jan 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    When working with compact pressure machinery i sometimes need to make moving particles not flee. But well, that is pretty hard to do that: TTAN conducts electricity, CRMC and QRTZ break at negative pressures... SPNG is almost fine. "Almost" - since it burns. So i have an element suggestion - FILR, an element which works pretty much same TTAN with life -1 does, though it does not block pressure. An Another solution could be just making particles with life = -1 saveable, so we can use them in saves/stamps.
    EDIT: Forgot to mention that FILR is Filler, though this is obvious.
    EDIT 2: Actually both making an element and making life = -1 save could be useful, so i can make TTAN with tmp = 1 non-sparkable.

    Edited 2 times by zqasd. Last: 25th Jan 2019