making a new thread because I can't change abbreviation in last one; not putting abb. in title this time
Element: Copper (CPPR)
Element type: Solid
Color: rgb(180, 120, 50)
Not flammable. Corrodes under acid (hardness of 50, same as TTAN)
Spawns at 22C. Regular heat conductivity.
Conducts electricity, glows when hot.
Turns into LAVA(CPPR) when above 1085.85C.
Tmp turns from 0 to 1 when exposed to SALT, SLTW, WATR, OXYG, etc, causing a color change from normal to green (copper patina). Loses GOLD-like conductivity when it has tmp 1. When tmp 1, has a chance to turn into BRMT(CPPR), which is a green, non-conductive powder.
Special properties:
-Cannot be converted into VIRS.
-Spreads SPRK like GOLD.
We need a destroyable container that can hold VIRS. Without it killing the VIRS or the VIRS killing it.
Also usable as a weaker alternative to GOLD wiring.
I like this idea. About as formal as a resume, I love it...
Copper already exists as METL. METL has the same melting point as copper, it also conducts. The only difference is its color.