Writing for the 15 Color Screen

  • DUC
    1st Aug 2018 Member 1 Permalink

    Here is the screen:


    I created a simple, manual script for writing animations for the screen, which was meant to be used in conjunction with a save. The reason I didn't actually create a machine that writes data was that the data used by the 15 color screen was way too complex to be written by a TPT mechanism. This is the exact script I used to write the demo animation.


    The link for the script and the save:



    In order to write frames for the 15 color screen, run the script, follow the table below, and draw elements in the ETRD box on the top-left. Be careful not to leave any empty pixels. Once a frame is completed, spark the INST button to the left of the ETRD square. A row of FILT will be added. If you make a wrong frame, simply erase the last row of FILT. Continue adding until the column reaches near the bottom of the screen. Then layer the column, copy it into a new location, and restart the script to reset the write position. NOTE: Do not quit TPT while you are writing or the write position will be reset and overwrite previous FILT data.


    Element to color table (easy to remember):


    • red=pscn
    • green=wifi
    • blue=nscn
    • white=insl
    • black=etrd
    • yellow=aray
    • purple=ptct
    • dark grey=inst
    • light grey=tung
    • light brown=tesc
    • dark brown=inwr
    • dark green=swch
    • peach=wwld
    • orange=dray
    • cyan=emp


    Then you can paste the row of FILT data into the template video save below:

    Just a quick reminder to use credit when making a new animation.


    If anyone likes, they can write a video-to-FILTData converter script, but I don't know if it's possible.

    Suggestions and questions accepted here as well.

    Edited 2 times by DUC. Last: 2nd Aug 2018
  • archived_account
    1st Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    type ~231O896 (or another id) to make save preview:

  • DUC
    2nd Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    Oh thanks! I was wondering how to do that.

  • Im_ygy
    2nd Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    I didn't get how to run the script.

    Is it just to spark the inst in the right(after finishing the script)?

    Edited 2 times by Im_ygy. Last: 2nd Aug 2018
  • DUC
    2nd Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @Im_ygy (View Post)


    Here's a more organized set of instructions:

    1) Run the script by typing dofile("Filename.lua") in the console.

    2) Draw a frame

    3) Spark the INST

    4) Draw another frame

    5) Spark the INST again.

    6) Continue unitl you run out of space for the FILT.

    7) Layer the FILT and move it out of the way.

    8) Restart TPT, run the script again, and continue where you left off.


    Does this help? :D

    Edited once by DUC. Last: 2nd Aug 2018
  • Im_ygy
    5th Aug 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    @DUC (View Post)

     This is very helpful:-)

    I thought that i shoule type the script in the console:-)

  • SWPlaysMC
    8th Jun 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    Very nice.

  • SWPlaysMC
    7th Jul 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @DUC But the pastebin link just directs you to the script's contents, and not the file.

    Can you put it somewhere else, i.e. Mediafile?

    Upload the file to Mediafile and redirect to it.


    EDIT: Ignore that, I figured out how to paste the script. Thank you!

    Edited 2 times by SWPlaysMC. Last: 8th Jul 2019