1. Set CTYPE of FIRW to change the EMBR to something else, for example DUST, or THDR.
2. Press SHIFT-R to reload the particle ID's, for subframe users.
(Edit: This could be one of the "secret" console debug features)
3. Stickman Wall, that only lets STKM, STK2, and FIGH through.
4. "Lock" the CTYPE of stickmen, maybe with TMP.
5. Set the time it takes EMP to become useable again, maybe with TMP.
6. Some way to delete all signs in a save.
7. Set different properties of CONV, such as LIFE or TMP, to change those variables as well as TYPE.
STKM wall will definitely not happen, but i'll look into doing 4 and 5. mark2222's mod covers point 2, and every subframer uses that instead of the base game for the extra subframe specific features :p