so i have been having a problem making fast electronics. there is no simple fast acting switch. sure theres the SWCH element but it toggles. would it be possible to make a element that in order to conduct electricity it needs to have a constantly electrified PSCN next to it or something. as soon as the PSCN looses power the switch next to it will also shut off.
and i am aware you can make something like this out of PTCT and NTCT but its super slow and requires an extreme amount of signal control. a fast acting transistor like element with minimal delay would make making eletronics a lot easier
i think it could be useful for all the people who want to make compact fast electronics but dont want to learn things like filt logic
So I was literally about to post my comment that mentions FILT logic and then I saw the last sentence. Well...
It's not like FILT logic is any more complicated than any other kind of logic you can build in TPT. You might as well learn that, it'd take the same amount of effort as learning to use whatever new transistor element we'd come up with were this feature to be implemented.
well the transistor element could just be used in the same way as a regular transistor. the main point of it is that its fast and it doesnt need to be reset in order to be used again. the transistor element would be a lot easier to use since it would function SWCH like just without the toggle. its easier to learn transistor - transistor logic (TTL) since its what actually used in electronics rather than FILT logic which ive yet to find a comprehensive tutorial about
Read this it will help you understand FILT.