First: Wind Speed Idea. It depends on velocity and pressure everything faster than 20-100 m/s then breakable things are starting to break
Tungsten: 36 m/s
Brick: 96 m/s
Glas: 36 m/s
Quartz: 64 m/s
Vibranium: 128 m/s
Diamond: 18 000 000 m/s
Type: {w} {wkmh} {wmph} {wfps}
New Pressure Units like Millibar, Inhg, and more!
just type {pmbar} {pinhg}
Humidity mixes up with Dew Point.
the higher the humidity the more steam is coming.
Dew Point and Dew
Original Temperature and Humidity is about 22°C and 50%.
This is making a dew point of 11.1°C.
if a water filled glas is only 5°C it will dew up around the glas
dew flows 90% slower than water
except ice.
{dp} {dpf} {dpk}
5: Heat Index
a stickmen will die if heat index is too high.
{hi} {hif} {hik}
6: Wind chill
if it is to chilly stickmen will die too from cold.
{wc} {wcf} {wck}
7: Realistic Water Surivial
if water is colder than 10°C then the stickmen will get sick and will die of course.
you might add cwtr and scwr or something if water is colder than 10°C
because you can't make a temperature limit for orginial water.
8: More Temperature units
They will add temp units like fahrenheit or kelvin and more units of temperatures.
{t} {tf} {tk} and more...