In Latin, the word 'vinculum' has these three meanings: bond, fetter, and tie.
I've been thinking, just now really, of an addition to the TPTverse that just may be possible, Obviously, my 'additions' in this feedback forum are but one, so I thought having two would be nice. Progress is not made via one approach.
Before I explain what 'vinculum' is and what its uses are, here's what its colour design and abbreviation will be, if added.
Vinculum (VCLM): HEX(#421477) / rgb(66, 20, 119)
What it is: As the english meaning suggests, Vinculum is an addition that 'bonds' itself to any solid material it touches. As it is, Vinculum is a gas that encompasses a solid it comes in contact with, sticking to the surface as one layer. If a user is to control+leftclick and surround a solid with Vinculum, only the layer touching the solid will remain. The other layers will vanish as if never existing. Vinculum is a fast moving gas, but is slow when encompassing a solid after first contact, moving at a span of two pixels a second.
The thing is, Vinculum is not a regular gas. It hosts a few properties. They are all temperature based and require the usage of the console.
Base Vinculum has a temperature of 10C/283.15K/50F and exerts no amount of pressure on any solid it bonds to, excluding diamond. All it does is protect the solid from all outside pressure and blocks the rising and falling of temperature. If any gas, liquid, or radiocative material comes in contact with a base Vinculum after its bond with a solid, to rapidly repels it. It is how no pressure or temperature can affect it. Means the solid covered by Vinculum is impregnable.
When in contact with any other gases, Vinculum instantly vanishes. It also has no glow, taking after boyle in that regard. One thing your shouldn't do is put Vinculum in a situation where it comes in contact with Antimatter. The resulting explosion is enough to scatter the picels of black hole and white hole. Capable of inflicting heavy damage on nigh unbreakable solids, and eating through vacuum and void as if they had no effect.
When base Vinculum has bonded with a solid, the only element in tpt capable of ridding the solid of Vinculum is Virus. As Virus is a 'destroyer' and Vinculum is a 'protector', they cancel each other out. One Pixel for One Pixel. Vinculum can then rid a solid of the tpt element Soap. Though Soaps main objective is to cleanse anything infected by virus, or become a wild fuck-fest of weird moving lines, it goes in the category of things repelled by Vinculum. A triad of enemies, Vinculum, Soap, and Virus are.
0 to 99C/273.15 to 372.15K/32 to 210.2F Vinculum is base Vinculum.
100 to 999C/373.15 t0 1272.15K/212 to 1830.2F Vinculum has a radioactive bond to a solid. The reaction is instantaneous in turning the solid it connects with into a black hole.
1000 to 3999C/1273.15 to 4272.15K/1832 to 7230.2F Vinculum is extremely eratic and radioactive. A pixel placed on the right side of your screen can reach the left side a second after it's placed, but its movements aren't always linear. It's just that quick. When this vinculum touches any solid, it's temperature does not melt it. Instead, it explodes like snow with a sing ctype. Interestingly enough, it produces enough energy to infinitely cast spark on a conductor after one hit.
4000 to 9999C/4273.15 to 10272.15K/7232 to 18030.2F Vinculum immediately becomes a white hole capable of melting solids that have no broken form. Strangely, it doesn't melt solids that do. It only forces that solid into its broken state. The white hole it produces then sucks up all solids it has mucked up. Capable of doing this even when encased in diamond, no matter how much is used.
Vinculum also only has one useable ctype it can become. By using the code !set ctype VCLM NEUT, Vinculum can 'bond' to plutonium, which is a radioactive powder. It will react the same way Neutrons react by forcing the plutonium to explode. Think of it as a replacement for Neutrons if one wishes to try something different. Unfortunately, by changing its ctype, Vinculum will not 'bond' with a solid material. It'll just vanish if no plutonium is on the screen.
Addition 1:
Ways to create Vinculum
1. Neutrons + Acid. The neutrons react with the acid and force out Vinculum as a gas. Radioactive particle forcing gas to change from a 'delter' to a 'protector'.
2. Vinculum is a gas form of gel. When plasma comes in contact with gel, it produces stary particle of Vinculum.
Addition 2:
What Vinculum releases
1. Vinculum releases Photons the same colour as the particles of bizarre that touch it.
2. Vinculum, when touched by a negative temperature, releases stray pixels of Caustic Gas.
Addition 3:
When Vinculum comes in contact with antimatter, it's akin to a positron/electron reaction, where when a positron and electron touch, they explode in pure energy. The explosion between Vinculum and Antimatter reaches max temperature a pressure for five full seconds. Where the whole screen is affected. It essentially breaks every destructible element in the game. Just two pixels, one of Vinculum and one of Antimatter, can destroy all destructible pieces.
That element sounds really interesting.
Private message me if you wish to talk more about 'Vinculum' as a powder toy mod instead of a powder toy update. I'd be interested if it doesn't become an update. I kind of am interested in such a thing right now. Above all things, TPT needs more fantasy as a game update rather than a mod. It seems too streamlined at reality as of right now than it does being a game NOT based on real physics.
(Bump 1 of 3)
Last Bump (Edited Vinculum. Read post to see the three new Additions)
That's the coolest idea!