stuff, things, etc.

  • herp
    20th Dec 2017 Member 1 Permalink



    C-6 and Green Fire (C-6, GRFR)

    These elements function similar to how the other C-*/Fire elements work in terms of reactions.

    However, what they do is radically different from the other flames(as per usual)

    The properties of green fire cause it to grow plants as if it was water, and give life to STKM/FIGH if they are not at 100 hitpoints.

    When C-6 is lit by green fire, it will spread little particles that, after a few seconds, start generating somewhat-randomly colored watr and plnt(shades of blue/light blue for watr, shades of green for plnt).

    However, when C-6 is lit by fire, it will violently explode and spread particles that generate fire and lava instead.



    This element spreads when it comes into contact with any solid/powder-type element and slowly "corrupts" the element until it becomes tiberium itself. Subsequent outbursts of Tiberium also generate Tiberium Gas(TBGS) which affects liquid/gas-type elements. Once it cannot convert any more, it turns blue and becomes heavily combustible(it changes it's tmp to 100). It also "mutates" plants and makes them spread tiberium gas.

    Normal tiberium hurts STKM and Figh at a rate of -3 per second, while tmp 100 tiberium hurts them at a rate of -10 per second. When they die, their head turns green and they become protectors of the tiberium. If their element type becomes tiberium gas, the same thing will happen.

    You may change this if you decide to implement it.


    Singularity +(SNG+)

    This is similar to singularity, but it has a chance of exploding more often, is faster, creates way more warp, and doesn't dissapate when there's nothing to eat.





    Edited 2 times by herp. Last: 24th Dec 2017
  • herp
    23rd Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    could i get some feedback please

  • hii
    23rd Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    nothing with stkm is allowed

  • coryman
    23rd Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    I don't know if it's that straightforward, that anything involving STKM is banned, but things made primarily for STKM are generally rejected.

    The one big question that's usually asked- do these elements do anything that can't already be done in-game? 

    C6 could probably be done with some clever use of BCLN and explosives. SNG+ is just a slightly modified existing element. Tiberium, on the other hand, does some unique things. I don't know if it would fit in the game or not, that's not for me to decide, but it's definitely the best of the suggestions in my opinion

  • herp
    24th Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    @coryman (View Post)

    mmm, yes, good, constructive criticism, me likey

    in all reality tiberium is kinda an iffy one to put in because someone already came up with the concept and because MUH COPYRIGHT

    @hii (View Post)

    "You may change this if you decide to implement it."

    -my post

    Edited 2 times by herp. Last: 24th Dec 2017
  • motaywo
    30th Dec 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    I like the ideas, but again, much of this can be achieved already with some voodoo, layering, and snow.


    Tiberium could be interesting, but currently seems to function very similarly to VIRS (and VRSS and VRSG).


    Right now, STKM is still buggy to control, and a nightmare to program, so very nearly any suggestion mentioning STKM automatically gets the can. That being said, if you can (somehow) manage to get one of the developers on your side then you might have a better-than-zero chance. If you can program, try it yourself, and then bring the code to them ready-made (a "show me the money" type situation). Good luck!

  • _Theo
    11th Jan 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    C-6 and GRFR are... Interesting.

  • optimus2006
    12th Jan 2018 Member 0 Permalink

    TBRM gets my idiotic brain cells alert.