I have the following plethora of ideas for TPT:
THOR - Thorium. Radioactive solid. Decays VERY VERY slowly. Ignites upon exposure to OXYG. Fissionable.
Thorium is a radioactive solid that reacts to OXYG. THOR decays extremely slowly, at a rate of 1 NEUT every 8 frames until its tmp reaches 1000, of which it decays into RADN. Thorium is fissionable; upon exposure to neutrons, heat (5000 Celsius or above) and pressure (200 and above), it will do the same decay cycle, but much faster and releasing neutrons, heat, and pressure. Thorium can be formed when URAN decays for long enough. It takes 360 frames for URAN to decay into THOR, and it takes 720 frames for THOR to decay into RADN.
RADN - Radon gas. Slowly decays into neutrons, and decays into POLO.
Radon is a radioactive gas. It will release neutrons at a rate of 2 NEUT every 3 frames until its tmp reaches 150, of which it then decays into POLO. It is also heavier than most gases and only can be corroded by HFSB.
LEAD - Heavy metal. Blocks radiation particles. Toxic to stickmen. Melts at 327ºC.
LEAD is a metal that blocks radiation partciles (like its real-life counterpart). It is also toxic, just like lead irl.
ASTT - Astatine. Decays rapidly into neutrons, protons, and electrons. Adjusting its tmp affects its particle release rate, and tmp2 affects its decay duration.
Astatine is a highly radioactive element. It will release heat (550 degrees Celsius), 30 pressure, 4 NEUT, 2 PROT, and 3 ELEC per frame, but the subatomic particle release can be increased by its tmp. At 1 tmp, it releases 4 NEUT, 3 PROT, and 4 ELEC per frame. At 2 tmp, it will release 5 NEUT, 3 PROT, and 4 ELEC per frame. The maximum limit is 3 tmp, of which it will release 5 NEUT, 4 PROT, and 4 ELEC per frame. At negative tmp, the decay rate will remain as default for ASTT. Tmp2 affects the duration of the decay.
OSMI - Osmium. Highly dense and extremely tough. Reacts with OXYG at room temperature and harms stickmen.
Osmium melts into OSML at 3045 degrees Celsius and above. Osmium tries to set the pressure around it to 0.2 if not already less than 0.2 but more than -0.01, making it a good pressure blocker but not as good as TTAN or VIBR. However, it should be noted that OSMI is tougher and more temperature-resistant than TTAN, and does not need CFLM to be used as a bunker element unlike VIBR, so this a bit of a trade-off. Note that OSMI reacts with OXYG at room temperature (like, say, 25 C).
OSML - Liquid osmium. A very heavy liquid. Solidifies at temperatures less than 3045 degrees.
Liquid osmium is basically the same as OSMI except liquid. It is denser than all other liquids, including MERC.
SODI - Sodium. Reacts with CHLO to make SALT, reacts with FLUO to make TOHP, and reacts with HYRO to make NAHO. Explodes violently in contact with WATR, DSTW, and SLTW.
Sodium is an alkali metal in the periodic table. It becomes salt when in contact with chlorine and toothpaste when mixed with fluorine. Sodium explodes violently when touching any moisture, which is why sodium bombs exist.
Sodium is an element that reacts violently with WATR and its other forms, releasing heat, pressure, and FIRE.
CHLO - Chlorine. Toxic and acidic gas, reacts with SODI to make SALT.
Chlorine is a halogen on the periodic table. It is an acidic gas, albeit less powerful than FLUO (which is less powerful than CAUS or ACID). CHLO harms stickmen rapidly. Stickmen that are in contact with CHLO will die within 1.5 seconds at default health.
TOHP - Toothpaste. Kills VIRS and all its forms but does not revert it. Formed by mixing SODI with FLUO.
FLUO - Fluorine. Toxic and acidic gas, reacts with SODI to form TOHP, and reacts with HYDG to make HYDF. Also reacts with ANTM to for ANPF (antimony pentafluoride)
HYDF - Hydrogen fluoride. A highly acidic and toxic liquid. Mixes with ANPF to form HFSB (fluoroantimonic acid).
Hydrogen fluoride is extremely acidic and toxic. Although it is very effective alone, it is usually used to make HFSB when mixed with ANPF.
ANPF - Antimony pentafluoride. Very strong acid liquid, destroys everything except GOLD, DMND, and PLAT.
Antimony pentafluoride is an extremely strong acid, able to destroy almost everything. It is also a component of fluoroantimonic acid, the strongest acid known to man.
HFSB - Fluoroantimonic acid. The ultimate acid, utterly corrodes everything except DMND and PLAT. Generates heat and pressure when exposed to WATR, DSTW, or SLTW.
ODBD - Ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion. Strongest possible base. Neutralizes HFSB.
Ortho-diethynylbenzene dianion is the strongest base known to man. It has the same corrosion strength as HFSB, and reacts with that element to form NEUP.
Fluoroantimonic acid is literally the strongest acid known to man. It can corrode almost anything. Fluoroantimonic acid also undergoes an exothermic reaction with water.
PLAT - Platinum. Stronger than GOLD and completely immune to all forms of corrosion.
PLAT is at the bottom of the reactivity series, and therefore in the game it should be 100% immune to any and all corrosives. PLAT is also stronger and more temperature resistant than GOLD. When in contact with enough PROT and NEUT, PLAT turns into OSMI.
NAHO - Sodium hydroxide. Very strong base, neutralizes ACID, CHLO and FLUO to form NEUP.
Sodium hydroxide is a very strong base, with a pH greater than 13.9. It is also corrosive to a lot of materials (can corrode everything except GOLD, DMND, CLNE, SLVR, and PLAT)
NEUP - Neutral pH compound. Formed when NAHO neutralizes ACID, CHLO, or FLUO, or when ODBD neutralizes HFSB, or when BASE neutralizes ACID. Turns back into ACID when mixed with ACID, CHLO, or FLUO.
BASE - Alkalinic compound that neutralizes ACID.
BASE is the direct basic counterpart to ACID. When BASE mixes with ACID, they turn into NEUP.
LIGS - Lightning shield. Blocks LIGH.
LIGS blocks lightning, regardless of temperature. If you spawn a LIGH stroke, the stroke will stop when it touches LIGS; it will not go through it like it would for other particles (even WALL can't block LIGH!). LIGS is also completely resistant to temperature and pressure, and the temperature conductivity of LIGS is almost as low as INSL. LIGS does not have any electrical conductivity. This element is very useful for protecting against the overpowered and overused Lightning bomb. LIGS is very susceptible to corrosion, as a trade-off for its total immunity to temp and pressure.
CBMB - Cluster-bomb. When it explodes, it generates BOMB or DEST particles (depending on the ctype) around it that then explode after 2 frames.
SLVR - Acid-resistant metal. Gradually tarnishes when exposed to OXYG or HYDG.
Silver is a metal in the periodic table. Like gold, it is acid-resistant (albeit weaker), but tarnishes gradually when exposed to oxygen or hydrogen.
RADB - Radiation Bomb. Explodes into a massive swath of photons, electrons, protons, and neutrons.
1 particle of RADB will explode into a devastating array of 30 PROT, 32 NEUT, 31 ELEC, and 40 PHOT. It will also release a small amount of heat and pressure.
CLOU - Cloud. Forms when you mix water vapor with nitrogen and oxygen and condense the mixture. Releases water as rain. Turns into STRM when sparked.
STRM - Storm. Generates constant bolts of LIGH tipped with THDR, the length of the bolts affected by the TMP of the STRM. STRM is pretty much TESL but always active, gaseous, and releases WATR and THDR in conjunction with LIGH.
RADBLOCK WALL - Blocks energy particles, allows all other particles.
WATERBLOCK WALL - Blocks liquids, allows all other particles.
Pretty self-explanatory.
POWDERBLOCK WALL - Blocks powders, allows all other particles.
GASBLOCK WALL - Blocks gases and air, allows all other particles.
LIGHBLOCK WALL - Blocks LIGH, allows all other particles.
The wall counterpart to LIGS. Allows solids, liquids, and gases to come through. Does not allow air (LIGH can generate pressure).
I suggest giving more detail about each of these elements, don't just keep on adding more and more. They're most likely going to need to have unique features and not possible to recreate in-game so far. If you are lucky someone may even turn this into a mod :) But definitely work on the details, otherwise it would just be a hassle...
I suggest giving more detail about each of these elements, don't just keep on adding more and more. They're most likely going to need to have unique features and not possible to recreate in-game so far. If you are lucky someone may even turn this into a mod :) But definitely work on the details, otherwise it would just be a hassle...
Gonna work on that soon.
This falls under the category of "list of unrelated elements", with some being stickman related, and some being essentially useless. How would Osmium differ from, say, brick, or tungsten, apart from the powder hurting stickment? Would the radioactive elements react with anything, or just decay?
The reason I'm bothering to comment is because there are some interesting ideas here. Lightning shield, if it would be possible to make, could have uses. I'd suggest cutting out the stickman related ones, as they will be ignored by staff anyways, and focusing more on both what the other elements do, and why they're worth adding.
I'll also point out that there are mods which add some of the elements you mentioned (eg. Rn, NaOH, F, Cl), so worst case, you should look into downloading those, they're pretty fun
This falls under the category of "list of unrelated elements", with some being stickman related, and some being essentially useless. How would Osmium differ from, say, brick, or tungsten, apart from the powder hurting stickment? Would the radioactive elements react with anything, or just decay?
The reason I'm bothering to comment is because there are some interesting ideas here. Lightning shield, if it would be possible to make, could have uses. I'd suggest cutting out the stickman related ones, as they will be ignored by staff anyways, and focusing more on both what the other elements do, and why they're worth adding.
I'll also point out that there are mods which add some of the elements you mentioned (eg. Rn, NaOH, F, Cl), so worst case, you should look into downloading those, they're pretty fun
So I should delete things like FSTK and STKT? If so, then ok
SEED - Seed. this is a plant. put water on the seed.
FAN - this is FAN.
SBAL - Super Balls.
ANT - this is an ant.
LASE - This is a laser. you use metal.
BIRD - this is the bird.
MERC - this is mercury.
WHEE - this is WHEEL. From Dan - ball Powder Game.
BOX - this is a box. From Dan - ball Powder Game.
ball- this is a ball. it's bouncy, c-type ball.
this is from Dan - ball Powder Game. Link -
SEED - Seed. this is a plant. put water on the seed.
FAN - this is FAN.
SBAL - Super Balls.
ANT - this is an ant.
LASE - This is a laser. you use metal.
BIRD - this is the bird.
MERC - this is mercury.
WHEE - this is WHEEL. From Dan - ball Powder Game.
BOX - this is a box. From Dan - ball Powder Game.
ball- this is a ball. it's bouncy, c-type ball.
this is from Dan - ball Powder Game. Link -
TPT already has MERC and SEED tho. But the rest are good.
@Yoshifan13 (View Post)
Some of the elements are in TPT already, the rest WILL NOT be added bacause they are useless/can't be implemented.
Should there also be elements like copper, as well as some of the transuranium elements such as americium, hassium, and meitnerium? Or would the transuranic elements be too OP?
Adding more transuranic elements seems pointless. Why TPT needs heavy unstable elements that are very similar to each other and don't have unique properties. Do we really need a bunch of transuranic elements that only decay into other elements and create nuclear explosions? I don't see a point of doing this because this doesn't bring us something very unique.
Personally, I think TPT should have only two additional radioactive elements - Thorium (THRM) and Radon (RADN). Only those two elements seem to be usefull for me and would be good to see them in TPT.