Electrochemical cells

  • Smoopadoop
    13th Aug 2017 Member 1 Permalink

    Instead of just a "battery" element, why not have batteries made from multiple elements, the way that they are in real life? Anodes, cathodes, electrolytes, salt-bridges, etc.
    These cells could use pre-existing elements (metals like METL, IRON, TTAN, etc can be anodes/cathodes, things like ACID can be electrolytes). In addition, cell-specific elements could be added, such as CTHD, ANOD, ECTL, etc.. A sort of activity series could be put together, based off of the real one, for these elements to fit into.
    Some cells could be expendable and run out of charge, while others could be rechargeable (such as a Lead-Acid cell).

    It'd be nice for people who want non-"cheaty" batteries like BTRY, and people who want rechargeable batteries that aren't just very long wire loops.

    Edited once by Smoopadoop. Last: 13th Aug 2017
  • TPT_PL
    13th Aug 2017 Member 1 Permalink
    @Smoopadoop (View Post)
    You see, Powder Toy isn't about realistic things. Powder Toy is a "game" about imagination. The game isn't meant to be realistic - it is meant to be fun. That's why we have WARP and ISOZ and various other strange elements. That's why we don't have the whole periodic table.

    I am almost sure that there are various mods that add elements from which a realistic battery can be used. Just search.

    If you still want to have those elements, at least mention some uses that can be achieved without current elements.


    It'd be nice for people who want non-"cheaty" batteries like BTRY, and people who want rechargeable batteries that aren't just very long wire loops.

    For me, it is a bit lazy explanation. Why just don't use current elements? (I am also pretty sure that a rechargeable battery can be already simulated, since there are saves that present some.)
    Edited once by TPT_PL. Last: 13th Aug 2017
  • coryman
    13th Aug 2017 Member 0 Permalink

    The Science Toy mod adds this feature- you can make an electrochemical cell using HCl (ACID), copper and zinc. It's a decent mod overall, I'd recommend trying it

  • Potbelly
    16th Aug 2017 Banned 0 Permalink
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    Edited once by Potbelly. Last: 16th Aug 2017
  • itsmeJustinC
    14th May 2020 Member 0 Permalink

    @coryman (View Post)

     I know this is 3 years later but would be able to explain in detail how to do this in the science toy mod?