Solid clay: scly: +10% strength, formed by high pressure and temperature, melts at 1500c.
Solid stone: sstn: +10% durability, same as in game but better, pressure blocker, formed by heating stne then rapidly cooling it.
Solid cement: scmt: +10% durability, same as in game one but better, formed by high pressure.
Scly: reddish brown color, breaks under pressure
Sstn: same color as stne
Scmt: same color as cement
solids section
Powered heat: phet, orange, tmp2 set tempature, spark to activate
Powered cool: pcol, light blue, tmp2 for target tempature, spark to activate
Powered materials section
1. Is this something between brick and solid paste? It breaks under preassure like brick and has colour like clay. To suggest an element properly, you need to add more info and tell us why this element is special.
2. This is unconductive version of TTAN. Maybe it should be called ROCK? I like idea of solid stone but you need to add more informations.
3. Why we need to have it? You said "same as in game one but better". What does it mean? What +10% durability mean? Also, changing existing elements might cause issues with existing saves.
4. Heater is rejected element.
5. Cooler is rejected elements too.
That's my opinion. Did I said something wrong?
+10% strength means that it is stronger in melting point, stronger in pressure, and things like that. same as ingame but better means that it is the same as the element that is ingame.
Solid Clay: It can be penatrated with water,withstand molten metal, and adding heat and pressure to solid clay makes it waterproof and brittle (turns into clay when broken).
Solid stone (thanks for the idea i will call it rock): Melts at 3500C, explosion resistant, blocks 50% of neut, can withstand high pressures.
Solid concrete: more useful for building bunkers, blocks 25% of prot and neut, melts at 2500C
Ok, I know what did you mean.