So, we already have life elements, from GOL To BRAN, but, there are still more cellular automata that need to be added, for example, Coral, or Flakes! here is a list of the ones i would like to see added, ignore the ones that are already in the game.
What i would name the new ones: FLKS,INVL,MICE MZEC CORS(<-all Mazectric),SERV
whoops, i missed another list, remember, Jacob1(if you are reading this and think this is a neat idea), you dont have to add every single rule: a few i would really love to see and mess with are: Cars,cheops,Ran brain(i like Sirpenski's triangle),Strangers,crawlers, and one that i just thought of while writing typing this is my own, S55555/B18923/5, i will call my masterpeice, "Pentalife".
I feel that adding these to the game would open up a world of endless possibilities with the life elements! just think! a glider made out of Strangers And BRAN! Pentalife + STAR! MAZE + MAZECTRIC!!!
I Rest my case...eventhoughthiswasntinthecourtbutwhotheheckcares*deep breath* Thank you
oh D:
edit:changed it! could i check the mos out? i really like the life elements! did you use that to find the flaw in pentalife?
another edit: i wasn't saying a glider for those, just what it would be like to see Mazectric find its long lost cousin and have a family reunion T~T So happy
i used golly which is a free GOL software to test your thing. also your new pentalife won't work because there is no rule 9 or repeated numerals in life types. the alternative, B1238/S5/5 is a "firework" type life where everything is either a gun or a spaceship
Maybe a tool to make any CGOL element? Type in the rulestring, name and color, and voilà! (Only GOL, HLIF, and BRAN will remain - all others will be deleted and have to be remade).
corn flakes. Milk. Nuff said.
oh, i have golly! how does one make a life? also new new pentalife b5/s10/10
I sometimes read LifeWiki and I know what are you talking about,also I have a ,,Golly" and use it.Everything is true, but we also should add one thing: to make own rules by selecting whwen cells will be born and when they will survive,and also to add to be possible to stay some number of generations before disappearing.Also, I am not sure was you know any of this before MY comment.