(this forum is for general development assistance too soo i opened a thread)
Soo the issue is when i use move(); with normal numbers like: move(2,2); it works
When i do:
Note: getMaxRow() returns max rows in screen
this does not work. please help
Btw i tested if getMaxRow(); returns max rows and yes it does
printw("%d", getMaxRow); outputs 30 (since it is the max row count)
Too little information provided. *I* (note the emphasis) can't help without knowing what else your program does, what platform you're on, etc. I know it's a bit tedious to post all that here, so maybe if you joined #powder on freenode (or just freenode in general - query me), we could work it out there.
Also, despite this being a development question, since it doesn't seem to be related to TPT development, I think this belongs in General. Correct me if I'm wrong though.
I think things that are too serious and purposeful don't go in General lol. Also, is this lua or cpp?
I'm guessing the problem you have is that (30, 2) is outside the bounds of the terminal window. In particular, note that the coordinates are zero-indexed, so row 30 in fact refers to the 31st row. Perhaps what you want is:
move(getMaxRow() - 1, 2);
To confirm, move(30, 2) should not work either. Both move(30, 2) and move(getMaxRow(), 2) should return ERR (-1) instead of OK (0).
As for which forum this belongs in, I think StackOverflow is the right answer. xD