Credits for the FRAG to the creator of more bombs mod,Also part credits to him for lbmb/rfrg(tried many ways to make pressure,but none worked,so i made his plugin a little smaller
Unique shell element for all the firework needs/firework set to 2 tmp2 will be a sing bomb
Help on those elements on bottom of treath
I dislike compiled mods myself,so that explains why its a script
If you do support this,then blame toy powder's element limit at the moment,its an issue which will (later on) probably keep me form updating again
Shell is used like this
Dmnd pixel under it + fire pixel on sides/up == sing bomb
PQRT pixel under it + fire pixel on sides/up == multishell
CNCT pixel under it + fire pixel on sides/up == Small embr ball
SPRK pixel under it == Big embr ball
STNE pixel under it + fire pixel on sides/up == high jumping accurate FWRK
FWRK is used like this
If any FWRK pixel is set to 1 tmp2,every pixel will be solidified untill one fire hits FWRK (coulnd really think of a better way)
If any FWRK pixel is set to 2 tmp2,and detonates it becomes SING rapidly after(before it becomes embr usually)
I will mod more vanillia elements later on(make nitro become bomb when hits firw with tmp2,make therm spit out ILVA with tmp2,etc,etc) Yes i know you could just do this with console,but this is faster,right?
If you do not know how to use it,i prefer downloading jacob1's mod and run it once,exit,then put an additional map in the "scripts" folder,then put it inside,then open it again and look for a "lua" button somewhere above the walls section