Big Dig Science

  • TPT_PL
    2nd Sep 2016 Member 3 Permalink
    WARNING: Not yet completed

    Hay guys. I very like science in the Pudwar Toy, although I think I need some more elements to play with.
    So I want to make a pack of Lua scripts that would go individually but together they would be even better fun.
    Something like mix of lapuminator's EEC and firefreak11's mods.

    There would be six packs (or even more!):

    I hope you will enjoy that. I also hope you will join our group, Suicidal Squad: The Powder Toy if you like scripting. Thanks!
    Edited once by TPT_PL. Last: 6th Sep 2016
  • TPT_PL
    6th Sep 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    Bump because of no popularity. I release the Acidic Pack soon!
  • edr-01
    10th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I've downloaded the acidic pack, and TPT said:


    autorun.lua:185:unexpected symbol near 'and'


    I know that isn't completed yet but, if you want this get more popular you'd get rid of this bug.


    Edit: In Jacob1's Mod it works

    Edit 2: The Sulphuric Acid doesn't have blur in fancy display: You can add this line at the end of the code to make it look like other liquids:


    tpt.graphics_func(Lflare, H2S04)

    Edited 2 times by edr-01. Last: 10th Sep 2016
  • nukers473
    23rd Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    @edr-01 (View Post)

     im having same problem execpt with Jacob1's Mod. :\

  • tmo97
    3rd Nov 2016 Banned 0 Permalink
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