Project Space Toy launches!

  • TPT_PL
    8th Aug 2016 Member 4 Permalink
    This is deprecated. I have got a new project, this one will no longer go. Still, join our group! XP

    The biggest Lua project ever!
    Have you seen Spacewars by JosephMA? It will be as goood as it, it will just have:

    Tier 2 spacecraft // DONE!
    Research centers // DONE!
    The Plague and The Cure
    Devastating disasters!
    ...and more!

    Everyone experienced in Lua and interested, join my group, Suicidal Squad: The Space Toy. I hope that my group will fall and our group will rise!

    A little preview of our work: HERE

    Thanks for reading!
    Edited 3 times by TPT_PL. Last: 19th Sep 2016
  • tptquantum
    9th Aug 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Impressive text. I want to join, could do all the text part. Also, why not adding more types of planets, procedural structures?

  • TPT_PL
    9th Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    You're welcome. As I said, more features will be added and you can help me with it. Anyway, if you saw, DanielGalrito was added and I made him a manager. Why? He helped me much in the past and so on... you must show me some work to become a manager. You are added, hope you won't complaint.
  • TPT_PL
    17th Aug 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    Okey, here's a little preview of my work with DanielGalrito: CLICK HERE
  • doom265
    18th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Your version is out of date with spacewars as you have not fixed the decoration menu like he has. Also your mod kinda interferes with the mutiplayer mod because of how many menus you have at the top right.

    Edited once by doom265. Last: 18th Sep 2016
  • TPT_PL
    19th Sep 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    This was posted 8th August. Now it's 19th September -.-
    Also this is slightly out of date, I'll start working on The New Space Toy (maybe with Divine Spacecraft? XD)

    And a message for any mod, please lock this thread.
  • doom265
    24th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Btw I wasn't trying to be negative I was just tryign to tell notify you of some problems. I love the mod and I hope it gets better and better.

  • TPT_PL
    25th Sep 2016 Member 1 Permalink
    I know, I agree with your previous post. I just havent got any contact with my group members, so maybe I'll just start up from the source.

    Mods, sorry for repeating, but please lock this thread.
  • DanielGalrito
    25th Sep 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    I can still help if needed.