Does anyone here suppose that the source for Powder Toy 38.0 coould be compiled on and run sucessfully on a jailbroken iPod Touch that has gcc, bash terminal, and all necessary libs installed (yes I do have use of make in the terminal)? If not, does anyone know of an iOS version of Powder Toy?
Yes I have and enjoy Phyzios studio as well. I was thinking though that, if I can get all the right libs installed on my iPod that I could actually compile PT for the iPod Touch/iPhone. I already tried a make but got several errors. I'm going to try to replicate the errors to see what needs fixed. I think I can make it work. Just it's going to require me to do things with my iPod that it was never intended to do. Hehe! Hacking is so much fun (particularly when it's your own device!)!