Maybe you guys could add more metals like:
And maybe some more materials on Earth.
Any additional elements would need to have a use beyond what current elements do.
Well it would be nice for more experiments on The Powder Toy
Well mostly for any experiments or for more design.
@scruffygamer. What properties do you suggest alluminum should have in The Powder Toy?
What exactly are you asking for?
I would suggest that alluminum should conduct heat from solids very well but not very good from gasses. should be an electrical conductor, melt at a lower temp than METL. It should react with IRON to make Thermite.
Well, aluminum has some intresting properties, so i might think about potentially trying to commit some code for it. (if i add the fact it erodes with mercury after letting the mercury gett under the oxidization layer, then make it two elements)
Well, aluminum has some intresting properties, so i might think about potentially trying to commit some code for it. (if i add the fact it erodes with mercury after letting the mercury gett under the oxidization layer, then make it two elements)
Itd be cooler to make the mercury vs aluminum act like gallium and aluminum, total structure failure, crumbling to bits. Shoot, maybe add gallium too and let people use it instead of glow to cool things
Gallium mets at a very low temperature IRL.