SNKE would be "snake" (referring to the game) that would act like tron execept for that it could be controlled with the arrow keys like STKM.
But that could strike problems, as SNKE and STKM would have the same control setup.
But that could strike problems, as SNKE and STKM would have the same control setup.
Good point. Also maybe it should be able to "eat" plnt to grow, like STKM heals from plnt. Then we could make snake game arenas.
That is a good idea. Maybe if the SNKE eats like PLNT or something, it would grow, or automatically. However when the developers were asked to put more STKM features into TPT, they said "No. It's not a game about stickmen." So this request may come to the same conclusion.
Well... I mean, jetpacks happened...
as did apparently putting stkm into a fan to make him resistance to pressure and able to create pressure like an element.