Programmable wall

  • ubuntupokemoninc
    10th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    what if there was a wall that you could give it a list of elements too block. just a thought.

  • tptquantum
    11th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Would make too much data to save with each simulation. Also, stacking walls, you know?

  • Simon
    12th Apr 2016 Administrator 0 Permalink
    You can create something similar using PIPE and STOR. STOR can be made to absorb only a certain element (by setting ctype), then you connect PIPE to the STOR to "precipitate" the stored particles.
  • thomasxin
    13th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    What if you want to block/allow things like VIRS, DEST, or SING?