This element would send out a sprk signal upon a designated key being pressed. Once the element has been placed into the save a popup box would apear asking for you to press a key. Once the key is pressed the input would be set. I know there would be a few problems with this but i thought it would be a cool idea to post.
Yo, this is easily doable using Lua. Anyone interested? If nobody answers in a day, I'll do it. Scratch that, I've done it. Available here (EDIT: fixed link). You just have to get it to autorun somehow. The script adds a new element, KEYD, which behaves like METL. Associate keys using its tmp value. It emits sparks while the key associated with it is being pressed.
your link is broken
Ah. I uploaded it as Boost.KEYD.lua for some reason. Here it is. Also, the parent folder is indexable. Lots of fun stuff there with outdated descriptions. EDIT: Updated them.
this is an awesome idea. breaking the 4th wall is a non excuse. this will increase interaction, draw people into the game and increase popularity. Soo many machines have mutiple buttons to CLICK-SPRK. this would really make some saves way more user friendly and engaging.