I've been playing quite a bit of Powder Toy recently and I've come up with a good idea. I think that, instead of things always being static, they should have an option to create objects that can move freely around the world. This would make creating projectiles possible and would add many more things to create in this game, such as guns. But as I stated in my previous post, the pressure created by gunpowder would need to be fixed to make the projectiles to fly correctly.
@1080pREVOLVER (View Post) We have tried, believe us. We failed horribly. The TPT engine is not meant for such particles :C
Emperor is right - TPT wasn't designed for physics. However, I was wondering if it would be possible to reverse engineer the code for soap bubbles to make such brilliant physical shapes. The easy part would be making sure the shape doesn't change, and gravity, but the hard part would be the collisions.
@rdococ (View Post) Soap bubbles are literally a few particles, the solid bubble is graphical.
@Emperor_Bowserinator (View Post)
That's why I said the hard part would be the collisions.