Graphite: GRFT absorbs nuetrons and works as a resistor
Ball: BALL can be shot from cannons and guns, options on material, acts like a realy big piece of powder shaped like a circle
resistor: RSTR makes less electicity go through depending on length
Oxygen only flamable in conjunction with other elaments
Lasers: LASR light that goes in a strait line and is one color and breaks stuff super easily
Speed options - control how fast the simulation is
If air simulation is off, then flames shouldn't burn unless with oxygen
Plants should grow in fractal-like shapes instead of blobs
Light: LGHT glows when sparked
Aluminum: ALNM conductive, light metal, if it touches murcury it turns into broken metal
Gallium: GALIM makes ALNM super weak, can be used to make lasers
Also, stickmen should be killed by plutunium and uranium, because they are toxic.
I hope these are usefull!
1. Use some existing neutron absorbing elements, idk which ones but there are some.
2. Err see the issue of moving solids
4. I think it already is. It is for hydrogen for sure, so it's probably the same for oxygen
5. PHOT lasers, PROT lasers, etc...
6. tpt.setfpscap(1000) - Although the simulation can only run as fast as your computer can handle, so you can't run at 2x speed unless your computer can calculate at 120 fps. Also frame-skipping won't work, it takes 5x longer.
7. Air simulation is pressure :P Also TPT isn't very realistic
8. Maybe
9. Like TUNG and other elements?
10. Uses?
11. Uses?
12. Yeah.
Thanks! With resistors I actulay meant something that would reduce the number of pulses of electricity- or make them smaller. Does it count as a moving solid if it's basickly a huge chunk of powder?
"idk which ones but there are some."
Gold abrorbs nuetrons, which I only just found out right now.
@FellowBob (View Post) You could probably rig something with SWCH to do that (The challenge is part of the fun)
Anyways powder toy isn't really coded well enough to support particles that are linked together. The closest we have is BALL in jacob1's mod, which is still kind of buggy.