I know most of these have been suggested already and aren't particularly useful, but at least might he interesting and/or fun to see in the game nonetheless. Really I'm only writing this because I'm bored, and I hope either the devs take these suggestions into account and implement them into the game, a modder implements these ideas into a mod or I somehow learn to code and make a mod.
Aluminium (AL);
Acts similarly to BMTL, is conductable, although it breaks easier and when broken under pressure, makes BRAL (BRoken ALuminium), which replaces BREL as an ingredient in making THRM.
Gallium (GLLM) and Liquid Gallium (LGLM);
Very low melting point, melts into it's liquid state quickly. LGLM makes AL brittle, making the latter break easier. Both GLLM and LGLM are conductors.
Sulphur (S);
Medium melting point, turns into a dark red liquid above 200 degrees.
Thermate (Can't think of a shortened name);
Very similar to THRM, differences being that it is made when S is mixed with THRM, burns at higher temperatures and with flames, and the point of ignition is much lower.
Thanks for your suggestions :)
You can try them here:
I made it as a challenge in just 2 hours.
PS: Bist du deutsch? :D
Good lord, that's incredible! Thanks a lot :D!!
(Ich bin Welsh, aber ich sprechen einige begrenzte Deutsche :P)
But another very minor suggestion, could you reupload the file but not with the game in fullscreen? It's too tall to access the lower HUD bar and I'm too much of a noob at TPT to be able to figure out how to open the options without pressing the button.
@KronprinzWilhelm (View Post) Maybe you can try if on a bigger screen.
@KronprinzWilhelm (View Post) Maybe you can try if on a bigger screen.
Nevermind, the problem's been fixed ^^.
Maybe try to use THRS (THRM+S)? (Sorry if necro)
Here are some suggestions:
Graphite: GRFT absorbs nuetrons and works as a resistor
Ball: BALL can be shot from cannons and guns
resistor: RSTR makes less electicity go through depending on length
Oxygen need's to be non-flamable, because that's how it actualy is. It should just increas the size of flames
Atmosphere options - chose whether or not for there to be air. If no air you can't have fire, unless you add oxygen.
Lasers: LASR light that goes in a strait line and is one color and breaks stuff super easily
Speed options - control how fast the simulation is
I hope these are usefull!
Why re add something?