
  • Solace
    1st Jan 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    I recently saw a show on the television about methane on Titan. As it stands, methane is the combination of 4 atoms of hydrogen and one carbom. Thus, adding carbon would have to happen. In this case, adding carbon could also end up with users combining carbon and iron to make steel, buut that's not what this is about. 


    On the show, the speakers said that the methan has created a sea on Titan. The Methane also wasn't flammable and was -180 celsius. As users like to go and make planet and moon creations, methane would be a great add on. As it stands, Nasa is also thinking about using methane as their next rocket fuel. It's less filling than what their fuel is now, yet it's also more powerful. 


    Another part about methane is that, as  a liquid, it's less of a solent than water. They demonstated this claim by placing 4 crackers in water and four in methane liquid. The water dissolved most of the crackers, making them floppy and easily breakable, but the crackers in the methan liuid did not break apart or dissolve. Once taken out of the methane, the crackers were still stiff and tough to break, for a cracker. 


    In water, the human body weighs just about nothing. In methane, solids, like human, weigh quite a bit. One of the speakers said they were just above 200 pounds, but said that if he were to dive in methane, he'd be about 80 pounds still. 


    Actually, I don't know the qualities of the gas (gas), in the powder toy, but it could be changed to methane without adding two new elements. Just change the properties of gas to methane, including the name, and add carbon to the mix. Maybe add carbon as a hidden element, so when people break down methane and find carbon, they can mix the carbon with iron and create steal. 


    I don't know too much about the likes of either suuggestions. I'm only really good at mathematics, so science isn't exactly a strong suit of mine. Maybe someone can back me up with all the scientific properties of methane and carbon to make it possible for them to be added in. 

  • 12Me21
    1st Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    LAVA(IRON) + BCOL = LAVA(METL) (metl is steel)

    As you said, GAS is basically methane already, and it already turns back into OIL at high pressures so it can't turn into anything else.


    TPT is just too unrealistic

    Edited once by 12Me21. Last: 1st Jan 2016
  • DanielGalrito
    2nd Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Where did you see that? Cosmos Space Odissey or The Universe? xD