AURL: The Return

  • Gustavo6046
    26th Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Note: Please, please don't freak out because there is already a existing thread for Aurelium. I wanted to avoid necrobumping and as such this is now the Oficial AURL Thread...

    Welcome, ladies and gentlemen! I have returned, and with me comes....


    Yes, that good element that generates pressure under heat! It have been almost one year since I asked for it, and if you guys ask for it, it may become official!


    I have Code::Blocks so now coding C++ will be a lot easier. I even done a simple Hailstone sequences calculator in C++!


    They say C++ isn't a very good language to make your first games...


    Anyway, left that aside, these are the New Reactions: (differs from the ton of text I posted in my last post before I leaved this community temporarily IIRC... or in another post of mine in the same thread?)


    - Aurelium is liquid.

    - Aurelium becomes gas and solid in respective temperatures.

    - Aurelium, Aurelium Vapour (AURV) and Frost Aurelium (FAUR) all have the same following reactions...

    *plays Duke Nukem 3D theme song*


    = Aurelium does normally generate pressure under heat at a constant rate (normal), unlike explosives that make much more pressure at once... but Aurelium can match that amount of pressure in like 15 seconds!

    = AURL (only liquid or powder) will mix with water to make Acid.

    = AURV (only gasous) will mix with GAS to make Hydranite Vapour and a drop of SLTW. Hydranite Vapour (HYVP) is a very powerful explosive forbidden from the Powder Toy bars! (but still present in Search...)

    = FAUR (only) will break into Aurelium Powder (AURP) under pressure.

    = AURP (only) is light.

    = Aurelium in general is a weak bond of components. It breaks into LH2 and NBLE when in high temperatures...


    Any suggestions to add (or more reactions :v) just suggest!


  • greymatter
    27th Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink
    And people will use this for?
  • Omega29
    28th Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Lua testing?

  • Gustavo6046
    31st Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    More like, generating pressure from heat. Constant and slowly unlike explosives that make it once and at high amounts.


    Easter egg: when a 3x3 square of 8 TNT particles arond a AURL particle is formed, it plays a theme song!

    Edited 2 times by Gustavo6046. Last: 31st Dec 2015
  • 12Me21
    1st Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    BOYL generates pressure when heated.

  • Gustavo6046
    2nd Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    There are more reactions to this element! And BOYL is not a liquid... :/

  • 12Me21
    3rd Jan 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    It's a really cool idea. It just sounds like a little toooo much. But maybe it's not. 

  • Gustavo6046
    3rd Jan 2016 Member 1 Permalink

    Thanks :) It's good to hear opinions...

    Edited once by Gustavo6046. Last: 5th Jan 2016
  • Gustavo6046
    5th Apr 2016 Member 0 Permalink

    Sorry, didn't want to bump/double-post, but one of the old votes in the theme song poll specify Other. I would like to know what is that "Other", but no reply was done here :<


    Since Duke Nukem 3D was the most-voted, I think it will be definitive; you only have until May 1st to vote!


    The question now is, any other suggestion to add to the element? (To balance it maybe?)