Suggested Element MGSM

  • Videogamer555
    14th Dec 2015 Member 1 Permalink
    MGSM is MaGneSiuM. It would be a solid element. Like with RBDM, MGSM is to be a flammable metal, but unlike RBDM it is NOT to explode, or even burn when in contact with water. MGSM will corrode when in contact with water (in any form, such as WATR, DSTW, or SLTW). When MGSM is corroded by water, it is to corrode at the same rate that ACID corrodes METL. This corrosion is a bit different though. Not only is MGSM to disappear for each act of corrosion, but also the particle of water that was responsible for the corrosion event is to turn into HYGN. As for the burning aspect of MGSM, it is not to use the "in contact with FIRE or PLSM" test to determine if it should start burning. Instead it should be temperature based, like with FUSE, but the flame it produces should not be nearly as hot as that produced by FUSE. The flame should be PLSM, and be somewhere in the 4000degC and 5000degC temperature range. It should burn slower than FUSE, but not as slow as COAL. Also, the particles of PLSM from burning MGSM should have their Life set to such that they last a bit longer than (maybe 1.5 times as long as) the PLSM from burning FUSE, but not nearly as long as the particles of FIRE associated with most burning materials such as WOOD or COAL (I don't want the flame of the burning magnesium to go shooting off the top of the screen).

    Optional features, that would be cool, but not absolutely necessary:

    Make a new fire element MGFL (magnesium flame) to be used instead of PLSM when burning MGSM. MGFL would be as bright white, and have a strong pure white glow effect, like TUNG when it is heated to its highest temperature just before melting. MGFL would be intended to make burning MGSM look more realistic.

    Make a new liquid element BASE that would replace MGSM when corroding in water, instead of just causing the particle of MGSM to disappear. When BASE combined with ACID, it would make SLTW.
    Edited once by Videogamer555. Last: 14th Dec 2015
  • 12Me21
    23rd Dec 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    RBDM is one of my least favorite elements, because it's so unnessesarily unrealistic. How hard would it have been to make it release hygn and then fire when touching water, rather than just being an explosive that can also be set off by water?

    (I think it was made before HYGN was added, so maybe that's why)


    I think your idea looks too complicated, though. (This is mostly because the description is really long)


    If you use a shorter description, people are more likely to read it:



    -When in contact with WATR, slowly* rusts and turns the WATR into HYGN

    -burns slowly when heated (faster with more surface area)

    *the same speed that ACID rusts METL


    I would also suggest making the rate of hygn production higher than in real life, to make the element more fun to play with.

    Edited 4 times by 12Me21. Last: 23rd Dec 2015