(NOTE: English isn't my native language, so expect some grammer errors)
why is Network Programming in C++ so .. Hard to Find a WORKING one?
i tried searching for over a week, i couldn't find a WORKING guide for WINDOWS.
mostly are for Linux, and the ones for Windows fail to compile.
i tried SFML Network.hpp but there is not enough documentation about it to read and learn, so i couldn't get it to work.
why is Network programming in C++ so hard??
isn't there a NORMAL library to use?
(yes i have tried winsock.h and WinSock2.h, both still wont work with guides, and not enough documentation about them with Windows)
what i want to achive? a chat program where you can chat to someone online.
or at least a simple single message program.
What Should i do??
yeah i know that.
and the reason why i don't post on stack overflow is because they are bunch of Idiots.
why can't i post questions there that people already asked? if i didn't understand something there?
and the link that you posted me, i readed him fully, code won't compile though.