I would like it if TPT has a more conveniant way to stack stuff. Stacking is one of the more advanced things in-game, and If I want to stack an element called TPT, I would have to
1. Create n-pixels of TPT
2. Open the Console
3. !set x TPT n
4. !set y TPT n
5. Close Console
Can you guys code some kind of new way to layer? Or could there be an option to override the current element and draw over it?
No. The current behaviour of stacked particles is glitchy, and saves relying on stacking makes it impossible to change certain things in the source code without breaking those saves. Stacking also makes it difficult to understand what a save is doing.
Use of stacking is therefore discouraged. I have no intention of making it easier to stack until after TPT is rewritten to handle stacked particles in a more consistent and less glitchy way, and to display them better.