Element suggestion: LEAD

  • minecraft-physics
    19th Oct 2015 Member 3 Permalink
    A peculiar conductor with a fairly low melting point.

    • Melting point: 327C (There is currently nothing that melts in the range 40C - 600C, I think some variety would be nice)
    • Conduction: Conducts SPRK at the same speed as WATR, but with the same frequency as METL (ie. still an 8-frame delay between sparks)
    • Only conducts to CRAY vertically and horizontally.
    • Does not accept SPRK from PSCN, but accepts SPRK from NSCN;
      conducts to PSCN, does not conduct to NSCN
    • Strange property: When molten LEAD comes into contact with (i.e. within a 5x5 pixel square of) 'indestructible' electronics (TSNS, DTEC, ARAY, FILT, PSTN, PUMP, GPMP etc.), the electronics are converted to BREL.
      I always find it annoying, when creating a city / technology save, to have to trade functional complexity for breakability: It's easy to make a city that does nothing, but if you want to have any ARAY spires coming off a building you'll always be left with an annoying yellow pixel once your bomb is done. Putting some LEAD around/near it will remove these annoying pixels with a minimum of element additions.
    • molten LEAD also conducts, but now exactly the same way as WATR.
    • Immune to VIRS, but does not cure it.
    • Absorbs all types of radiation (GRVT, PROT, ELEC, PHOT, NEUT), taking on the removed radiation's temperature
    • Deforms like GOO, but does not disappear when exposed to pressure
    • Colour: light grayish blue (similar to 0xD6D6FF)
    Edited 6 times by minecraft-physics. Last: 26th Oct 2015
  • jBot-42
    19th Oct 2015 Banned 1 Permalink
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    Edited once by jBot-42. Last: 19th Oct 2015
  • NF
    21st Oct 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @jBot-42 (View Post)

     Lead has been suggested before, however this is the best by far.

  • alexelcaza
    22nd Oct 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    it is a good idea so why not implement it into the snapshot and see how it works?

  • 12Me21
    22nd Oct 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @minecraft-physics (View Post)

     I like the idea of something to break electronic stuff, but it seems kind of random to make lead do it. A while ago, I suggested an element that converts everything into its broken form (For example, ARAY->BREL, BMTL->BRML, etc.)


    Also, there are too many blue-gray metals (NSCN, METL, BMTL). Maybe dark gray would be better.

    Edited once by 12Me21. Last: 22nd Oct 2015
  • thomasxin
    23rd Oct 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    NTCT already takes SPRK from NSCN to PSCN, but doesn't take from PSCN unless it is >100 C.


    Maybe add a feature that it blocks, but doesn't cure VIRS? There currently aren't any elements that do this.

    Edited once by thomasxin. Last: 23rd Oct 2015
  • jBot-42
    23rd Oct 2015 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • mecha-man
    25th Oct 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    Doesn't GLAS block VIRS?


    EDIT: Wait, no, that was acid.

    Edited once by mecha-man. Last: 25th Oct 2015