I just finished making A rather small Concentrated deutrium bomb, and let it loose in my specialized version of destroyable city 5, with air-tight walls and all indestructible materials removed.
The sky was flooded with eight thousand degree neutrons and shortly later the entire thing was reduced to a 1400 degree wreckage.
there were also patches of broken glass.
Do i win?
Ps: One of he important things for DEUT bombs is make sure it has a way to decompress after being lit. A concentrated DEUT particle does the same damage as a normal DEUT particle .... until, of course, it decompresses into a few thousand normal DEUT particles. There was a C4 cap on the top of mine that explodes shortly after ignition, warming the DEUT and giving it a way out before all the compressed particles went kerplooey.
EDIT: to give an idea of how big the bomb is, its just a bit larger then Catelites bomb.