ELEMENT IDEAS(continuation)

  • KPK
    21st Aug 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    Please add them . These are description for them too.


    1) ALKA/BASE - Alkali - Reacts with acid to form SLTW(saltwater). Alkali is flammable which therefore can be burnt. Like acid can dissolve almost everything. And can cure few acidic things

    2) HACN - Hair condtioner - Inflammable and becomes WTRV(water vapour) at most heat.Spreads with water.

    3) PLAS- Plastic - Cannot be burnt . turns to liquid at most heat. Can be converted into electricity under heat and pressure


  • Sylvi
    21st Aug 2015 Moderator 0 Permalink

    Please, add or edit your last post instead of making another thread next time.

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