BULB (Light Bulb)

  • 12Me21
    14th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    -BULB turns on when it is next to SPRK, or a conductor that has just been sparked (life > 0)
    This means that BULB will stay turned on without flickering when it is next to a conductor that is being constantly sparked.

    -When one pixel of BULB is powered, all connected BULBs are powered (like with INST)

    -BRAY can go through BULB that is turned off, but is blocked by powered BULB


    -BULB heats up when powered, with a maximum temperature of around 250 C, and cools SLOWLY when unpowered


    -When broken/melted, BULB turns into BGLA with small amounts of BRMT (TUNG)

    -BULB is affected by EMP, which turns it into BGLA and BREL




    on: yellow

    off: dark grey

    Glows in fancy/fire/etc. display



    -Lights (duh)

    -NOT gates




    Right now, you can't really create a light that turns on when powered, and off when unpowered, without flickering. BULB would make this possible.



  • Lord_Bowserinator
    14th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    When powered? Like with PSCN or a current? Because PSCN + LRCY = light. And not gates are already pretty compact. 

  • LiquidCaesium
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink


    Right now, you can't really create a light that turns on when powered, and off when unpowered, without flickering. BULB would make this possible.


    Uhh... a PSCN wire going through LCRY that has a METL part that acts a heater to the PTCT which then acts as a NOT gate and has the output be NSCN?


    Edited 2 times by LiquidCaesium. Last: 15th Jul 2015
  • 12Me21
    15th Jul 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    @Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)

     It is powered when it is next to a spark or a conductor that has just been sparked

    It immediately becomes unpowered when there isn't one of these next to it.


    @LiquidCaesium (View Post)

    that's actually really good...

     It is pretty big though, and not fast enough for anything but simple lights


    The point of BULB is to create a better, faster, smaller way to make lights, displays, and electronics.


    Of all my suggestions, this is the one that I most want to be in the game

    Edited 5 times by 12Me21. Last: 16th Jul 2015