CSTV: Constant velocity. vx=tmp and vy=tmp2
SPDR: Spiders, a new life type that leaves behind webs and "moves" randomly
RLAY: Relay. When active can transfer sparks to all conductors, but when inactive only transfers to NSCN. Activate with PSCN, deactivate with NSCN.
CSTV: Constant velocity. vx=tmp and vy=tmp2
I like this, but you could use GRAV instead. Would be kind of like a moving solid, except calculated pixel by pixel.
SPDR: Spiders, a new life type that leaves behind webs and "moves" randomly
I don't think the devs are going to add this. I would think that spiders would create webs out of their ctype.
RLAY: Relay. When active can transfer sparks to all conductors, but when inactive only transfers to NSCN. Activate with PSCN, deactivate with NSCN.
This would be cool and useful for electronics. I don't think the activate/deactivate thing is necessary, though
You should post uses to get more feedback.
I will. I think I may have a hard time coming up with uses for spiders though.
CSTV: Timers, with dtec and detector walls; sychronized movement.
SPDR: Similar to STAR
RLAY: Advanced transistors; 2-way switches
I was thinking of uses for CSTV, and I thought of a moving sign or logo that destroys itself. Also projectiles or vehicles.
I am going to make a circuit that represents what relay can do.
Edit: I attempted to make a circuit representing the relay before realizing that it would be massive and highly overcomplicated since every input must also work as an output and vice versa.
To do a majority of it, try a 2x2 block of PSCN, NSCN, INST, and METL.
That isn't quite it.