New type of wire.

  • 12Me21
    9th May 2015 Member 0 Permalink

    I have an idea for a new type of wire. Basically, it would work like Redstone in Minecraft, where it could stay powered constantly, instead of having a cooldown time after being sparked. This would make it easier to build logic gates (especially not gates), since you wouldn't have to worry about spark timing. I think this might be harder to code, since it is hard to tell whether a wire is being powered (this is most likely the reason that redstone has a limied range, so the game can tell where the power is coming from) 

  • WinstonsDomain
    9th May 2015 Member 1 Permalink

    A detector-wall and/or conductor-wall will do that and does not have a limit to how far it can go.

    Edited once by WinstonsDomain. Last: 9th May 2015