I like this idea.
What does it turn into when broken? I would guess bcol, but that makes it very flammable when destroyed. Maybe it could also be an insulator that doesn't burn. Or it could be a solid that puts out fires. This (or a similar substance) needs to be added into the game, there are so many possible uses for it.
No two different people. I am afraid @boxmein told you awhile ago, obviously two different people.
Great idea.
Your welcome. Also I am afraid he uses R3APER in IRC too. How about it breaks down into COAL! after all it is a carbon element.
Add carbon as an element too, and have it break into carbon.
Carbon is only fairly inert at around room temperature and colder. At higher temperatures, all forms of elemental carbon become flammable, and at even higher temperatures in the absence of oxygen, they can sublimate into a gas. On the other hand, most acids and bases will not react with it.