Basically, an element inspired by Minecraft noteblocks. When sparked, it would make a beep with tone based on its tmp.
If this did happen, I'd not be surprised to see a Mario theme or something on FP. lol
"Rejected Element : Sound"
Isnt this a bit different than that though?
Actually, I doubt it would do either of those. Mniip made a functional copy.
This would be really really cool, but there is just to muchwork that has to be done to get it to work properly, plus it would proble make it lag even more.
So basicly I think it would be really cool, it is just I dont think TPT is ready for it. (this is my opinion)
Ok, first off, it has been requested numerous times. That being said, it has been produced in mods without any problems before. The only problem I see is the fact it can lead to people making saves that make your ears bleed, or possibly even hurt your speakers. Another problem I see is the fact that it would probably be limited to one sound. We can't go crazy and make up a whole entire orchestra of note particles. It would have to be a sound that we could all agree upon. Then, if you want to implement more sounds, make a script of it yourself. As far as the tone based on tmp, it should probably be more based on wifi and use temp. Technically speaking, there are only eight notes needed to make a good note particle. The combination of those notes can make a lot of different sounds. I totally agree that we need to eventually implement the note particle into TPT and hope it will be added one of these days. It could also be used for alarms, timers, etc.
We can make eyes bleed already with flashing, why not do it with sound?
It was more of a joke than being really serious. Most people have to find one complaint with note particles so that is what I was doing. :P