Computer Illiterate

  • cooldaddy96
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Welcome to the computer illiterate thread. Here you can post you experiance with computer illiteracy. I kick start things;

    I was in the ICT room when I overhead a conversation;

    Teacher: "Turn on your computer."
    Boy: "What's a computer?"

    I swear to God, I'm not lying.
  • Z0MG1337H4X0R5
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
  • Hellome
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    somebody: my computer isnt working!
    Me: try the on switch.
    Sombody: wheres that?
    Me: (facepalm) the big silver button in the middle of the box.
    Somebody: opps it was already on!
    me: (facedesk)(facedesk)(facedesk)(facedesk)(facebomb)
  • HK6
    7th Dec 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Dad: How do I send a link?
    Me: ...
  • cooldaddy96
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
  • Hellome
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i get that all the time, once sombody said 'what do u do with a computer?'
    idiot person, not somebody: u throw them out the window!
    Somebody: picks up the computers closest to him and throws them out the window from 1st floor.
    Detention, letters home,lots of shouting , fines and withdrawal follows
  • Diissaster
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Boy: Oh my god, how do you get that black thing?
    Me: It's called BOLD writing.
    Boy: What's bold writing?
    Me: A... Black... Font...
    Boy: Font?
    Me: Text Style.
    Boy: So how do i get it.
    Me: Click the 'B' button.
    Boy: What 'B' button.
    Me: It's on Microsoft Word.
    Boy: Microsoft? ... Word?...
    Me: *Facepalm*
    7th Dec 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • cooldaddy96
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    I saw one on a website;

    I had this conversation recently with a lady who swore she had been using computers since forever.

    â—¦Tech Support: "All right. Now click 'OK'."
    â—¦Customer: "Click 'OK'?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "Yes, click 'OK'."
    â—¦Customer: "Click 'OK'?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "That's right. Click 'OK'."
    â—¦Customer: "So I click 'OK', right?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "Right. Click 'OK'."

    â—¦Customer: "I clicked 'Cancel'."
    â—¦Tech Support: "YOU CLICKED 'CANCEL'???"
    â—¦Customer: "That's what I was supposed to do, right?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "No, you were supposed to click 'OK'."
    â—¦Customer: "I thought you said to click 'Cancel'."
    â—¦Tech Support: "NO. I said to click 'OK'."
    â—¦Customer: "Oh."
    â—¦Tech Support: "Now we have to start over."
    â—¦Customer: "Why?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "Because you clicked 'Cancel'."
    â—¦Customer: "Wasn't I supposed to click 'Cancel'?"
    â—¦Tech Support: "No. Forget that. Let's start from the top."
    â—¦Customer: "Ok."
    I spent the next fifteen minutes re-constructing the carefully crafted setup for this lady's unique computer.

    â—¦Tech Support: "All right. Now, are you ready to click 'OK'?"
    â—¦Customer: "Yes."
    â—¦Tech Support: "Great. Now click 'OK'."

    â—¦Customer: "I clicked 'Cancel'."
    And people wonder why my mouse pad has a target on it labeled "BANG HEAD HERE."

  • Hellome
    7th Dec 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    i want one of those